Síntomas de alergias comunes
El goteo nasal no es de lo más agradable, pero es uno de los signos más comunes de alergias tanto en adultos como en niños. Stuffy noses are usually caused by swollen membranes inside the nose2.
Los estornudos son un síntoma de alergia muy común, pero no grave. Cuando las membranas de las fosas nasales reaccionan a las sustancias alergénicas, se irritan y provocan cosquillas, lo que hace que estornudes.3 To reduce sneezing fits, try avoiding outdoor and indoor allergy triggers during allergy season, or relieving other symptoms that may be causing irritation in your nose and throat.
Itchy, Watery, or Puffy Eyes
When you realize that most allergens are airborne and come into direct contact with your face, it’s no surprise that so many people with seasonal allergies experience eye allergy symptoms such as itchy or watery eyes.
If they already feel irritated, you can help soothe your eyes by washing your face and placing a cool, moist washcloth over your eyes.
Algunas personas también pueden padecer de conjuntivitis alérgica.4 This means that when the eyes are irritated, the thin layer at the front of the eye can become inflamed and red, giving it a swollen or puffy appearance.
Picazón en la nariz o la garganta
Las membranas de la nariz y la garganta pueden ser sensibles a los alérgenos que respiras y, por lo tanto, pueden irritarse5. These symptoms of allergies are a reaction to histamine which is a chemical released by your immune system in response to allergens. To help reduce itchy throat or itchy nose due to allergies, try an antihistamine such as cetirizine.
Congestión sinusal
If your allergies cause you to sneeze a lot, or you have a runny nose, you might also be prone to stuffiness in your sinuses6. This can lead to you feeling this congestion in your face through sinus pressure – especially under the eyes. También puede resultarte difícil respirar por la nariz.
Obtén más información sobre descongestivos y prueba ZYRTEC-D®, que se pide en el mostrador de la farmacia, para ayudar a aliviar la congestión nasal, la congestión sinusal y otros síntomas de alergias.
Dolor de garganta
Can allergies cause a sore throat? Sometimes allergies can cause an itchy, sore throat. The membranes in your throat are very sensitive, and they can become irritated by increased levels of histamine in your system when you experience allergy symptoms. Esto puede hacer que sientas dolor o picazón en la garganta.
If you experience an itchy or sore throat, try a lozenge to soothe the irritation that is associated with a sore throat from allergies.
Goteo postnasal
Las alergias y el goteo postnasal suelen ir de la mano.8 El goteo postnasal es una acumulación de mucosidad que puede obstruir los senos nasales y la garganta, y es posible que sientas la necesidad de toser o aclarar la garganta.
When allergens enter your nose, excess mucus is produced in the nasal passages in an attempt to clear the allergens out and this mucus can drip down the back of your throat causing post-nasal drip.
Can allergies cause coughing? Although coughing is not a typical symptom of allergies, sometimes the itchy throat from allergies or post-nasal drip can cause a tickle in the throat or a temporary dry cough. If there is persistent coughing or the couch is accompanied by a fever, it is likely from something else like a cold and not allergies. Consult a healthcare provider if you are not sure what is causing your cough.
Dolores de cabeza
Allergy headaches usually feel like pain behind the eyes or in the sinuses10, and are typically caused by build-up of mucus in your sinuses.
Cómo saber si tienes alergias, o algo más
Los síntomas de alergias pueden ser muy similares a los de otras afecciones, por lo que a veces es difícil diferenciar entre alergias y resfriados, por ejemplo.
If you have any of the following symptoms, it may be more likely you have a cold or similar illness and not allergies11:
- Fiebre
- Dolores y molestias
- Escalofríos
- Inicio lento de los síntomas (es decir, te has sentido enfermo por varios días)
Cómo tratar tus síntomas de alergias
Managing allergies can look different depending on the allergen. Para empezar, si eres alérgico a los perros o gatos, puedes intentar reducir el contacto con ellos. Pollen and dust can be more difficult to avoid, but symptoms caused by these allergens can be dealt with using these at home allergy relief tips.
Many upper respiratory allergies, regardless of the allergen, can be relieved with the use of over the counter medicine like ZYRTEC®’s range of allergy relief products. However, if you don’t experience any relief, you should seek help from a healthcare professional who can help you choose from different types of allergy medications.
ZYRTEC® provides strong relief day after day for common allergy symptoms due to seasonal or year-round allergies, including runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose or throat, and itchy, watery eyes. Explora nuestros productos tanto para adultos como para niños que brindan un poderoso alivio de los síntomas durante 24 horas para ti y tu familia.
Preguntas frecuentes
¿Cuándo es la temporada de alergias?
Allergies and allergy season can occur at any time of year, depending on what triggers your reaction. However, seasonal allergies to pollen, grass or weeds are more common during the spring and summer months.
¿Se nace con alergias?
No. Más bien, tu cuerpo desarrolla una respuesta alérgica a una sustancia en particular cuando entra en contacto con ella. Tampoco todas las alergias se desarrollan en la infancia. Sometimes you may develop an allergy later in life, even if you have encountered the trigger before.
Can allergies cause fever?
No, allergies do not cause fever. If you are experiencing a fever along with symptoms of allergy, please consult your doctor to determine if you have a sinus infection, a cold, or if your fever is caused by something else.
Productos recomendados
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/allergies/symptoms-causes/syc-20351497 Abrir el enlace en una nueva ventana
- https://acaai.org/allergies/who-has-allergies/children-allergies Abrir el enlace en una nueva ventana
- https://acaai.org/allergies/allergy-symptoms/runny-nose-stuffy-nose-sneezing Abrir el enlace en una nueva ventana
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pink-eye/symptoms-causes/syc-20376355 Abrir el enlace en una nueva ventana
- https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/allergic-rhinitis-your-nose-knows Abrir el enlace en una nueva ventana
- https://acaai.org/allergies/allergy-symptoms/runny-nose-stuffy-nose-sneezing Abrir el enlace en una nueva ventana
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sore-throat/symptoms-causes/syc-20351635https://www.entmedicalsurgical.com/services/allergy/allergy-related-sore-throat/ Abrir el enlace en una nueva ventana
- https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/treatments-for-post-nasal-drip Abrir el enlace en una nueva ventana
- https://acaai.org/allergies/allergy-symptoms/cough Abrir el enlace en una nueva ventana
- https://acaai.org/allergies/allergy-symptoms/wheezing-shortness-breath Abrir el enlace en una nueva ventana
- https://acaai.org/allergies/symptoms/allergy-headaches Abrir el enlace en una nueva ventana
- https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/common-cold/expert-answers/common-cold/faq-20057857 Abrir el enlace en una nueva ventana